This fashion of wearing the hair
The ephebi are always represented on works of art with their hair quite short, in which manner it was also worn by the athletes.[8] When the Athenians passed into the age of manhood, they again let their hair grow. In ancient times at Athens the hair was rolled up into a kind of knot on the crown of the head, and fastened with golden clasps in the shape of grasshoppers. This fashion of wearing the hair, which was called krobylos, had gone out just before the time of Thucydides.[9] The Athenian females also wore their hair in the same fashion, which was in their case called korymbos.[10]. wigs for women The Book of Proverbs is of the wisdom genre. Proverbs begins with the purpose of attaining wisdom and discipline. It is about "doing what is right and just and fair." (1:3) Warnings are given of enticement and of rejecting wisdom. CeCe says she's proud of her. When Paige appears for the setup, Alison confronts her and threatens to tell her father, costume wigs who is the ...